Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Sound of Heart

Being an educator takes a whole lot of conscience. My mother, who was an ex-school principal, always says that education is a career of conscience. I couldn't agree more.

It is not just a job, but a career. I always believe that as an educator, when it comes to decision making (what to teach, how to teach, what materials to show, how to assess, even the administration procedures....), the first question an educator should ask is "how would this benefit the students?".

I ponder about the question "what makes a good teacher" all the time. I guess no one can give us the right answers, because every student would have different needs. Nevertheless, I feel that at the end of the day, a good teacher, or an educator should show real altruism.

Cynical psychologists would not agree that one can be totally altruistic - they believe that no matter what, one gets rewards, be it tangible rewards or intangible ones such as you would feel better, it satisfies your ego, reduces guilt....

I have seen teachers who treat their jobs as just, well, a job. They bring home the bread. They do things to impress the management. They have their own career aspirations. They want to climb the corporate ladder. Students would probably be a side dish.

Nevertheless, I like to be more optimistic. I think there are still teachers around who can face their own conscience, and say it in the most altruistic way that "yes I have done my best for the students." It may not be the right thing, but we have tried our best.

So, what makes a good teacher to you?


- dora said...

let's see, a great teacher is one who inspires, one who helps their charges dream. One that doesn't look down on them, one that encourages and one that helps spur them to their fullest potential. One that makes the student think their own two feet. And I think you are that one great teacher. =)

FuSe said...

ohrrrrr score points :p.

i think you're very committed that's why you're an*l about the things we do most of the time :D.

Chuah Soon Soon said...

gee thanks... and philip do I take that as a compliment? hmm. :-) I didn't expect you to still access this place. :-)